Academy of Continuing Education

Legal and Societal

Gender in Development and Humanitarian Assistance (GDHA) Certificate


In collaboration with The Arab Institute for Women (AIW) at the Lebanese American University (LAU), the Gender in Development and Humanitarian Assistance (GDHA) Certificate is a continuing education program designed for students, practitioners, and policymakers. The program addresses gender issues in development and humanitarian settings. GDHA innovatively incorporates academic knowledge with high-level expertise to create a new standard in gender education for development and humanitarian professionals. The standards are in-line with internationally-recognized practices. Moreover, the program builds local capacity to address local issues, building a cadre of motivated professionals in the Arab region.


The program involves an active learning approach with practical workshops. It also emphasizes reflective and collaborative learning. Participants may choose to take individual courses or to complete the full set. Upon completion of all ten courses, participants receive a certificate.


Contact us


Phone: +961 1 786 456, ext. 1106