Academy of Continuing Education

Fashion and Arts

Painting Techniques


The practical Painting Course is designed for beginners as well as individuals with some painting experience who wish to further enhance their skills. This course provides students with hands-on experience in various painting techniques, materials, and styles. Through a series of practical exercises and projects, students will develop their artistic skills, creativity, and understanding of the painting process.


This Course entails the following:

(1) Introduction to Painting;

(2) Still Life Painting;

(3) Landscape Painting;

(4) Abstract Painting;

(5) Plein Air Painting;

(6) Experimental Mixed Media;

(7) Color and Light;

(8) Developing Personal Style;

(9) Project Work;

(10) Portrait Painting;

(11) Figure Painting;

(12) Still Life Painting;

(13) Animals Painting;

(14) Experimenting with painting on fabrics;

(15) Painting on Different Materials;

(16) Final Showcase and Critique.


By the end of this Course, participants will be able to:

Understand fundamental principles of painting, including composition, color theory and perspective.

Explore and experiment with various painting techniques,

such as acrylic, watercolor and mixed media.

Develop proficiency in handling painting tools and materials.

Create visually appealing artworks using different styles and genres.

Apply knowledge of light and shadow to add depth and dimension to their paintings.

Gain confidence in expressing their ideas and emotions through painting.

Critically analyze and evaluate their own artwork and that of others.